Body of Work

Once in a while I get an idea to do something that excites me until I can actually work on it. This piece was one of those pieces. I thought about making a body and adding elements to it that I sculpt separately. I have done it before, but this time I added connecting elements like stems and leaves. This makes it so much easier to work on because I can sit comfortably and sculpt each element, rather than having to stand and bend over a large piece. When I can relax while working, I am more careful and thoughtful about what I am doing.

I planned to paint this black with rich colored flowers and birds. Having the green leaves and stems be the unifying color. But now that I see it in white, I like it as it is. So I kind of have a dilemma.

I got lots of comments on facebook to leave it white or add subtle color.

Stay tuned to see what happens. Even I don't know at this point.